Special Cargo College Veenendaal

The team at Special Cargo College Veenendaal welcomes you!

Special Cargo College

Our team in Veenendaal is ready to assist you with:

  • Training in transportation and storage of dangerous goods, civil aviation security and security
  • All modes of transport (ADR, ADN, RID, IMDG, IATA)
  • As well as ADR driver
  • Classroom, online, blended, in-company, customized
  • Consultancy and advice
  • Act as external security advisor, civil aviation security advisor and AEO advisor

Why Special Cargo College Veenendaal?

  • Training location in the middle of the country
  • Over 30,000 trainees annually
  • Qualified teachers and trainers
  • Also knowledge partner of the government
  • Recognized by Ministries of Infrastructure and the Environment and Security and Justice
  • Accredited by IATA
  • Registered with CBR and TAPA
  • Free parking in front of the door

Do you have any questions?

Contact our Account Managers for more information about our services and activities.