Handling dangerous goods involves risks. To keep these to a minimum, working safely is key. To comply with the provisions in PGS 15, at least one person with this certificate must be present in your company to supervise work with dangerous goods.
For whom.
The Professional Competence in Handling Hazardous Substances (Vakbekwaamheid Behandeling Gevaarlijke Stoffen, VBGS) course is designed for employees who are involved in handling hazardous substances at storage and transshipment companies, shipping companies, distribution centers and chemical companies, among others.
What do you learn?
Topics covered include:
- National and international laws and regulations
- Definitions and terms
- Classification and associated (chemical) properties of hazardous substances
- Personal protective equipment
- Practice fire and emergency response
- PGS 15
- Loading and unloading and related regulations
- Notification procedures
- Packaging & tanks
- Features & labeling
- Documentation
Practical Information
- Duration: 5 full days, of which 1 day of calamity training (basic); 2.5 days (refresher)
- Time: from 09:00 – 12:00 (basic); 09:00 – 16:00 and 09:00 – 12:00 (refresher)
- Price: €695, – excl. VAT and exam fee (basic); €525, – excl. VAT and examination fees (repetition)
- Course materials provided: a comprehensive course book, including a large number of assignments to prepare for the exam
- Prior training: knowledge of storage and handling of dangerous goods is desired but not required (basic); valid CBGS certificate (refresher)