ADR Calculator, now also in English!

22 June, 2023
2,5 minutes reading time
ADR Blog posts News

The ADR (dangerous goods road transport legislation) has the so-called 1000-point exemption. This is as follows: if the number of points of your cargo does not exceed one thousand (1000) points, you are entitled to a partial exemption from the rules of ADR. To make that calculation, Special Cargo introduced the ADR Calculator several years ago. This handy tool is now also available in English.

ADR Calculator, now also in English!

The ADR (dangerous goods road transport legislation) has the so-called 1000-point rule. ( exemption in conjunction with quantity transported per transport unit) This handy tool is now also available in English.
When you want to transport dangerous goods in packages by road, you have to deal with the ADR, the international regulations for road transport of dangerous goods. Section of the ADR lists the exemption in relation to the quantity transported per transport unit. In practice, this exemption is called the 1,000-point rule. What exactly is this 1,000-point scheme? We’re going to explain that to you here!


The 1000-point scheme is a scheme to award points to cargo in packaging. This is done based on the transport category of the substance, listed in column 15 of the dangerous goods list. The moment several substances from different transport categories are transported in a transport unit, a calculation must be made, the result of which must not exceed 1,000 points. This is where the name “1,000-point scheme” comes from. An outcome of up to 1000 points entitles you to a partial exemption from some of the rules in ADR.
For example, the driver does not have to be ADR-certified, and no marking and labeling is required on the transport unit. And so there are a few more things below 1000 points that are no longer necessary.

Calculate points

The number of points per transport unit depends on the substances to be transported and the quantities. You can calculate this with Special Cargo’s handy ADR Calculator. You fill in the quantities of the substances you will be transporting. The tool checks that you have not exceeded the maximum allowed quantities and that the total number of points does not exceed 1,000. You include the calculation (the quantities per transport category, the calculated points per transport category and the total results) in the road transport document.

Now also in English

We now offer our ADR Calculator in English. So if your transport documents are in English, you can use this handy tool in that language. Also useful for English-speaking drivers!

Need help?

Need help or have questions about this tool? Then contact us!

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