Proficiency in handling dangerous goods not optional for companies

22 June, 2023
2,5 minutes reading time
Blog posts News Training

Every company involved in the storage of dangerous goods knows that there are risks involved. But did you also know that in every company where more than 2500 kg of dangerous goods (may) be stored, at least 1 skilled employee must be present to supervise this? Teacher Jannie van Vliet explains how.

“This obligation is included in the PGS 15, the Dutch safety guideline for the storage of packaged dangerous goods and CMR substances. If that employee has the certificate Vakbekwaamheid Behandeling Gevaarlijke Stoffen (VBGS) in his pocket, you neatly meet this requirement,” says Jannie, who herself teaches this course.


The PGS 15 is (partially) mandatory for so-called mandatory notification companies. These are companies that must report to the competent authority upon establishment or modification. They do not need an environmental permit to store dangerous goods: they are limited quantities. “Think of garages, metalworking companies and marinas. Many of these companies do not know that they have the obligation to comply with (parts of) the PGS 15.”

Not external

The directive says the following: if a company subject to notification can store more than 2,500 kg of dangerous goods according to the activity notification made, an expert must be present to supervise operations with those goods. And this person may not be hired externally. “In addition, the DCMR – the supervisory environmental service (RUD) in the Rijnmond region – has an unwritten rule: that all companies in the region must employ an (expert) skilled person. A safe feeling, in all respects!” continues Jannie.

Course dates

Special Cargo College conducts the Hazardous Materials Handling Competency course as classroom training or in-company, and even customized. After 10 half-days and the exam at the CBR, you may call yourself proficient.

The dates can be found at the course page here. We can also schedule additional sessions. So if you have specific needs, please get in touch, at or 085 – 792 2885.

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