VOG good for training courses; VGB required for work!

About this training

Employees in Civil Aviation Security must be able to demonstrate that confidential information is safe with them. For this purpose, the Certificate of No Objection (VGB) serves. However, Special Cargo College finds that many companies are under the impression that the Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) is sufficient. That is not the case. So employers: make sure you request the right document (on time!) for your employees!

As of June 30 this year, everyone working in Civil Aviation Security is required to have a VGB (Certificate of No Objection). This includes all employees who have unescorted access to secure air cargo and who perform operations on it, excluding drivers of a regular carrier. In any case, all such employees, if hired after May 1, 2022, should have applied for a VGB by now.


There is one exception to the above: if the employee still holds a valid VOG issued before Jan. 1, 2022, a VGB is not yet required. After June 30, that is. At
in Civil Aviation Security, the rules are different. For the Air Cargo Officer and Security Manager trainings, the VOG is sufficient (as is the VGB, by the way). This may be confusing: you may take training based on a VOG, but if you then go on to perform the work learned, you really need a VGB. And applying for it takes (more) time. The following training courses do require a VGB: Air Cargo Controller, Flight Supplies Controller and Supervisor. If you want to know more, you can always contact us for this.

Taken to task

Special Cargo College is recognized by the Minister of Security and Justice as a training institute in Civil Aviation Security. We find that many companies are under the impression that a Certificate of Conduct (VOG) is sufficient for their employees. In fact, as a training institute, we still get a lot of VOG release data to process, when – especially for new employees – that should be a VGB. If you, as an employee or employer, fail to comply with these rules, you may be reprimanded by the Royal Military Police or a stricter enforcement agency.

More information?

So employers: make sure you know when to request which document for your employees. As a tip we can give you: there is currently a (long) waiting period for the application of the VGB, so apply for it in time!
And would you like more information? Then read our extensive article on the VOG and the VGB. Or contact us for advice at 085 792 2885 or sales@specialcargo.nl.

Go to our Civil Aviation Security course offerings.

Training methods

VOG good for training courses; VGB required for work!



Classroom setting





Upcoming classroom training

This is why you follow a course at Special Cargo College


Martien, Amsterdam

Fine clear repeat course

The original 2 day course was taught in 1 day on location for 7 people. Was long enough in my eyes and everyone passed. Going to do it this way again next time.

Latisha Peterson, Berkel and Rodenrijs


I found the course challenging but good. A little fast if you are not doing dangerous goods shipments on a daily basis.

Wouter, Delft

Well-crafted, all-encompassing training!

Exceptionally well delivered training. Teaching materials provided are current and include many real-world examples. Prepared for the exam with the help of mock exams on the online portal. I actually feel proficient after completing this training.

Our vision on 'learning in logistics'

  • You learn to interpret the relevant laws and regulations
  • On this basis you will learn the necessary skills
  • By not only listening, but also doing
  • With coaching from the teacher and interaction with fellow students
  • Supported by practice-oriented games, assignments and cases
  • Very serious, but with room for fun.

+500 customers are training at Special Cargo College

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